[BLAST_SHIFTS] minutes BLAST operation meeting 30/3/04

From: Tancredi Botto (tancredi@lns.mit.edu)
Date: Tue Mar 30 2004 - 20:59:44 EST

Plan is to resume polarized data taking.

Outstanding questions (still) are

_ tensor ed asymmetry where there is an apparent disagreement between
  Genya and Chi. Presently the spin angle required to explain observed
  result by GT would be 60 deg which would only possible for a small long
  field. No report on false asymmetries, event by event correction to spin
  angle, montecarlo

_ Dilution factor from tensor asymmetry in ee'p is now complarable with
  that from vector polarization. df~60 % in both sectors with a large
  error bar since it is onyl sensitive to the high pmiss region. See
  vitaly on thursday for a full report

_ need to monitor ee'p events and correlate to ABS "fluctuations". Old
  monitor based on charge file would not work presently


The ABS nozzle was temperature cycled. REady for data. The ligit
monitor of the ABS intensity presently shows 5.1x10^-8 vs 6.3 this
weekend (and 6.0 last week ?). Genya also agrees that we may just
have lower intensity.

Lower ABS temperature to 82 K: will give 10 % density back and should
be safe for D2 based on hermes experience.

A new set of steering coils have been installed. GT reports a lower beam
lifetime (from 30 minutes). CCR will optimize beam tonight.

Continued calibration work

cosmic data taking

After LADS and ABS we could remove wch and target covers. Plan is
to resume pol D2 running, 3 spin states flipping... no beam spin

Tancredi Botto,  		phone: +1-617-253-9204  mobile: +1-978-490-4124
research scientist		MIT/Bates, 21 Manning Av    Middleton MA, 01949

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