[BLAST_SHIFTS] Shift summary 03/31/2004 B (4-8)

From: Electronic Log Book (elog@blast05.lns.mit.edu)
Date: Thu Apr 01 2004 - 08:12:15 EST

Operators: tancredi ---- ----

Quiet data taking until about 6 am. Then the L14 guard wire tripped and tried several things (none was really succesful) to reset it:
_ go to stby, back to oper
_ swttch off chamber
_ put all HV in box 14 to zer0
_ change the guard wire voltage to 1850.

The guard wire typically showed MV of 650 ion stby, and 1950 on OPER. Not
really the requrested 1900. Note MV = 1950 even for DV = 1850. Presently, put
back gaurd wire voltage, MV still 1950 but it hasn't tripped in 10 minutes... Not
sure what to do next other than making sure HV goes off so that gaurd wire
can discharge. Sense wire still at 3800 V

Changed yield_per_fill to use tof-only cuts for ee'p and e'd. It confirms general
trend found yesterday. No real understanding of the many "low yield" fills.
Cell temperature really 90 K, not 82 K. See log-book for plots

Runs 6146 and 6148 bad, all others crunched/ing

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