[BLAST_SHIFTS] Shift summary 04/08/2004 B (4-8)

From: Electronic Log Book (elog@blast05.lns.mit.edu)
Date: Fri Apr 09 2004 - 08:25:09 EDT

Operators: baris kohlm sebastian

Two good runs before midnight (6379, 6380), then no beam because of top slit
problem. Slit was mechanically stuck. Technician came in and fixed the problem.
Detector turned off until beam came back at 3:15.

Took run 6381 at 50mA/reinject 30mA beam current, only one trip within 90
minutes. Had CCR increase current to 100mA/reinject@70mA
Few trips thereafter of L1 and L14, L1 voltage lowered to 3800V.
L14 kept at 3750V, occasionally tripping (every 5-15 minutes).

At 50mA runs 6379-6381
At 100mA runs 6382-6384 taken and crunching, runlist updated.

Next shift consider to increase HV for L1 back to 3850,
and increase current back to 120mA IF L14 becomes more silent

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