[BLAST_ANAWARE] some recent result for analysis meeting

From: Peter Karpius (karpiusp@einstein.unh.edu)
Date: Tue May 04 2004 - 20:17:05 EDT

Hi folks-

        I can not make it to the analysis meeting as I have a meeting at
UNH in the morning that was scheduled some time ago. I put a synopsis of
what I am doing along with plots at:


Essentially the latest is as follows:

1) Inspired by Chi's work, I have taken pairs of TOFs and made momentum
and timing cuts for each to better isolate deuterons. An example pair
(15:0) is shown in the first plot. I fit the deuteron peak with a
gaussian and took +/- 2sigma as the timing cut. (I did the p cut by eye in
the scatter plot)

2) With the p & timing cuts form above (as well as theta, copl etc) I have
plotted mass and done a landau fit. Without trying to bias the data I
have set fit limits taht give the lowest chi^2. I took +/-2 sigma as the
mass cut.

3) Using the above mass cut as well as the other cuts, I now plot the
vector edel asym and find an overall (LR combined) hPz of 0.42+/-0.07.
With beam pol of ~70% this puts us in the 60% ballpark for target vector

BUT! *** This seems to be very cut dependent and I really need to
understand that! Too much background still??***

        Anyway, this is what I have been doing as of late. Still need to
compare with MC, still need to verify that Genya and I agree or why not,
still have a lot of work to do (but this is the last two weeks of the
semester so my life is more hectic than usual (I know, excuses!)

I also need to look at singles timing shifts (TB I will get to this!)


Pete Karpius
Graduate Research Assistant
Nuclear Physics Group
University of New Hampshire
phone: (603)862-1220
FAX: (603)862-2998
email: karpiusp@einstein.unh.edu




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