Re: [BLAST_SHIFTS] Shift summary 05/08/2004 D (12-16)

From: vitaliy ziskin (
Date: Sat May 08 2004 - 17:12:30 EDT

I suppose some explanations of this are in order, Hauke? Just to calm
everybody down. From my limited undertanding and from talking to Chris,
the problem is not with the scaler readouts but rather with something
completely different. The transition magnets are connected to the PID
loop part of which might have been malfunctioning due to the readout
frequency issue. This can explain some of the low polarization, though
I have my doubts. But the bottom line is that the data is good, unless
I'm comletely of base on this.


Chi Zhang wrote:

>Are the runs taken since last weekend still savagible?
>On Sat, 8 May 2004, Electronic Log Book wrote:
>>Operators: tavi chris2 ----
>>Took runs: 7276 7277 7279-7281 7283-7285
>>The low polarization might be due to the fact that scalers had the wrong scan value for abs variables. hauke fixed it (see his message). restarted run with fixed values. (chris2 elog#23766).
>>So, a good run to look at the polarization is 7285.
>>Since run#7280 the injected beam is 90mA (Vitali wants this), but since Hauke fixed that problem, we might want to go back to 110mA!!!

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