Re: [BLAST_SHIFTS] Daily BLAST Meeting

From: Chris Crawford (
Date: Tue May 11 2004 - 16:54:06 EDT

hi bill,
  could you please make sure that people on shift are taking cosmics
when there is no beam? this is important for neutron bar calibrations.
the procedure is simple:
  a) turn on high voltages, turn on DAQ enable override incase one
channel trips.
  b) down the COSMICS configuration
  c) keep the standard physics trigger
  d) start the run (5,000,000 events /run ~ 5 hrs)
--thanks, chris

Bill Franklin wrote:

>Data were collected on unpolarized D2 up until almost noon. All runs have
>been crunched. In the meantime, work was proceeding upstairs to diagnose
>the SFT problem. The South Hall was open for the afternoon for
>ABS-related work and is being secured presently. The spin flipper was
>also prepared for operation during this interval.
>Genya reported on ABS group's findings and proposed modifications to SFT
>which will be performed before it is re-installed. These include silver
>plating the leads to improve thermal conductance as the unit is
>overheating. No definite time for re-installation of ABS could be given;
>the absolute earliest possibility would be to start late tomorrow.
>Plan for tonight is to run more unpolarized D2. We will also run spin
>flipper tonight in preparation for a measurement to be made tomorrow night
>to measure the spin tune of the Ring (Fuhua, Jan, Townsend, and me will
>carry out). I will set up flipper before leaving.
>Beam delivery will cease at 7:00 a.m. tomorrow morning to open Hall in
>preparation for Snake fill and transmitter work. Beam will remain off
>until 20:00 for the transmitter work.

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