Re: [BLAST_ANAWARE] crunching fails

From: Chi Zhang (zhangchi@MIT.EDU)
Date: Thu May 27 2004 - 10:13:25 EDT

Hi, last two days, we had various report of CVS top version lrn
seg-faults. I v been looking into this.

Chris reported seg-faults related to DSTHeader not initialized. I have not
been able to reproduce this in either my account or blast account

Michael and Vitaliy reported seg-faults but did not include and detail. It
would be helpful to send a copy of the screen dump at seg-fault.

I have been able to create a seg-fault in TBLNewDer::fit. However, I am
having a little trouble tracing it.

This seg-fault does not happen when compiled with -g flag. So there goes
the chance to debug it in GDB. I inserted check points. But just to
disgust my stomach, it someties happens in TBLNewDer::fit and sometime
in TBLFitTrack::Sim.

For the moment, try compile BlastLib with -O2 flag:
        configure ...... --enable-debug
         make clean
to see if seg-faults still. I will try to fix this problem as soon as


On Wed, 26 May 2004, vitaliy ziskin wrote:

> Latest version of reconstruction seg faults upon a start of crunching.
> I ran reconstruction with track fitting turned off and it seems to work
> fine. So, it seems that tracking has a problem. Could someone look at
> it. We need the latest version of a recon to properly handle neutron
> timing information.
> Cheers, Vitaliy

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