> In addition, I propose to just leave "flr" data and just scrap the "lr"
> data. The only application I can see for "lr" data is the wch efficiency
> which anyways requires more sofisticated tof-filtering which can be done
> straight from dst. Any problems ?
Hi, DST does not contain events with no WC tracks, so it would be
quite difficult to do WC efficiency from that. expanding DST to include
all triggers would probably be more expensive than lr.
Maybe a stipped lr ntuple with fewer entries? but I am not sure how many
entries we can strip off. first thought would be getting rid of all
NC/LADS/BATS and some of the epics/scaler entries. but people may want to
use them for trackless events, for example before BATS hits are
incorporated into tracking therefore into DST. And software wise, this
will cause different entry structures in lr and flr so it could happen
that analysis that work with flr would not work with lr.
One of the problems with recrunched lr/flr files is that the ntuples are
duplicated. so after 1st recrunch, lr and flr doulbes in size. below are a
few senarios lrd would accept:
1st: all DST, lr, flr files in $ANALDIR:
backup dst, lr, flr, flrpm into dst_1, lr_1, flr_1 and flrpm_1 in
the same root files
very expensive in disc space.
2nd: DST, lr in $ANALDIR, flr file not found in $ANALDIR
backup dst, lr into dst_1, lr_1, create flr, flrpm from scratch
flr root file will be about same size as the original, dst and lr
will double in size
3rd: DST in $ANALADIR, lr, flr file not in $ANALDIR
backup dst into dst_1, create lr, flr, flrpm ntuples from scratch
all trackless triggers in lr will be lost, efficiency study may be
only dst file will increase in size.
I think the 3rd approach should be avoid unless the original lr files are
backed up and people do not intend to use the new lr files for efficiency
studies. This seems to fit current recrunches but I remember Michael has
some problem recrunch without lr files in $ANALDIR.
To play it safe with less demand on storage, try the 2nd way. I can try
again to play with lrd, but I admit I am not very good at handling root
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