All we need is beam. All systems ready to go, including target. The plan
is to run ABS until monday morning. Please monitor daq problems with
Note that last time we had beam we had livetime of 25 % at 140 mA (see
elog plots and )
and normalized Wch scaler rates of 20-25 at the top of the fill.
Baseline pressure is ~ 4.4e-8 and ABS pressure 6.5e-7 (about) Wanted
tArget cell temp is 90 K, spin angle 32 deg.
The ABS vector polarization can be obtained by cd-ing into macros/Deuterium
and running show_deep_asym.C (stil subject to change).
Note that at this point the number to quote is the one label H-dilution
(in small case letter) which is obtained by comparison with a point
calculation. The montecarlo result (number in large case letters) usually
yields a much higher h*Pzz but we suspect that this could be due to a
montecarlo probem.
Please also note that to reduce backlog we should use bud20-23 and db13,
db14. I am always reachable (617-441-0969, 978-490-4124) but unavaible to
come tonight until around 10 pm.
-- tancredi
Tancredi Botto, phone: +1-617-253-9204 mobile: +1-978-490-4124
research scientist MIT/Bates, 21 Manning Av Middleton MA, 01949
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