[BLAST_SHIFTS] Shift summary 07/09/2004 B (9-17)

From: Electronic Log Book (elog@blast05.lns.mit.edu)
Date: Fri Jul 09 2004 - 17:10:46 EDT

Operator: akdogan

Well... Still recovering from the power glitch. We didn't take any data with the
beam. Took/taking some data with cosmics to check the TDCs.

After recovering the computers, started all back-logged crunch jobs; there
were 24 of them. Most of them are still crunching, but near the end of file,
thus all the CPUs should be free within an hour or so. Please, marked the
finished runs with a cross sign on the paper log.

Meanwhile, took care of some stuff:

Crunch windows:
Noticed that the crunching requires more CPU than 16 spud CPUS. After,
discussing with Tancredi, created a new script for crunch-xterms:
"start_spuds" starts the xterms only with spuds (16 of them)
"start_spuds2" starts the xterms with spuds and bud20-bud23 and dblast13-14
(22 of them), which should be enough. (start_spuds_clean/start_spuds_clean2)
reposition the windows to their original positions.) Normally, you don't need
to use them, until everything dies (like what happened last night)

Epics windows:
Starting up the epics windows on dblast14, after a complete shutdown is
time consuming (in addition to being a pain). Updated "start_leftdisplays"
such that it starts everything needed, and re-position them nicely.
So, all you need to do, after loging in to the dblast14 is giving
"/home/daq/blast/pro2004/epics/scripts" command.

HV Broken pipes:
I think (I hope), I solved the proken pipe issue of the HV system. It may still
give broken-pipes, but it should recover from this state. See the elog entry
25979 for details.

ABS: Ready to GO (polarized D2)
DAQ: Ready to GO (config. with "l2trig" !!!, before starting a new run with beam)
Compton: Ready to GO
Beam: Not available. Tuning. Estimate for estimate is an hour.


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