I redid some of the fits plus I scaled my present errobars to come up
with the prjections to the end of the run period. I scaled it by the
propose amount of charge we are going to collect by november. I also,
took liberty to scale it by a "fudge" factor. This factor is not big
(1.22) and it reflects the fact that the data I'm using currently was
run at times in unfavorable conditions for neutron detection. The
conditions have since improved and thus the factor. It also reflects a
slighly higher polarization of current running as compared to the data
I'm using right now. The first two plots are the same as before only
with little more data improved cuts. The next two plots are the same
plots as projections. I made the data points to be perfectly on Galster
curve for ease of fitting. Chi^2 fit looks good for that reason. So
the errors, might be to optimistic since I'm willing to be that our data
is not going to look this perfect. It's hard to quantify how what
bearing this "imperfection" has on the error bar though. So my GeN plot
includes best case scenario for first 3 data points. In the light of
these next 3 points look somewhat too high. I will try to work that
rest of the time to make any kind of statement about higher Q^2 points.
The last question is the third Q^2 point. Why is it so low? I'm
looking into this. But it would be nice to get some idea about background.
Cheers, Vitaliy
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