Operator: mcilhany
09:00 - Empty target runs
11:00 - Empty target runs
11:00 - Chris Vidal has arrived, spoken with Ernie and has found a replacement RF generator for the ABS. If all goes well, we might have a target by this afternoon. He is moving the new RF generator to a new position onthe mezzanine - as opposed to the D-tunnel. This requires an access.
15:15 - Chris Vidal has replaced the RF unit with a new one on the mezzanine. **** We currently do NOT have EPICS control of this unit, so we can only read/tune it via the windows program ENI V/I Probe. This must stay at 50 Ohms. Check it often. Use the CW/CCW buttons for the "Tune" and "Load" in order to get the point near the center of the "Smith" plot on the V/I Probe screen. In order to update the "Smith" plot, click the button marked "Smith". Be patient with this device, it sometimes takes a while for it to repsond. If you click CW/CCW too much, the tune will go wayyyy off. Be careful.
15:17 - Run 9385 started. ABS polarized with 50 sccm of Deuterium.
16:30 - HV crate #4 went dead. Had to go to D-tunnel to cycle power.
15:17 - 17:00 - Runs 4385, 4386, and 4387 were marked in the E-log as "Empty" altough they really were ABS D2 runs.
17:00 - Run 4388 started.
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