[BLAST_SHIFTS] Shift summary 07/30/2004 C (17-1)

From: Electronic Log Book (elog@blast05.lns.mit.edu)
Date: Sat Jul 31 2004 - 01:03:46 EDT

Operator: akdogan

This was a pretty smooth shift. We took a decent amount of polarized
D2 data. All of them (9575-9590 except 9586) are crunched or being crunched.

The beam is being injected at 155mA and dumped at ~95mA, with a lifetime
of 24 min. The beam polarization has been 64+-1% during this shift.

We had two HV crate crash, one coda problem, and 2-3 HV trips, all of
which costed just less than 3-5 minutes total (nothing major.)

The polarization scripts were run for the latest available (crunched) shift
data; no abnormal numbers were seen. Also, the charge counting
(confirmation) was done for the latest available runs. The runlist and
pol.log has been updated accordingly.


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