I'm in Arizona, checking out the head and compiling Blast Library on RedHat 8...
There was a problem in compiling BlastLib2 directory and no rules for target
And now, when I try and run any executables, I get stuck with a message the I've
set the wrong environment variable for BLAST_PARAM because there is no file
grep returns one line from BlastLib2/ChangeLog for TBLGeomCC.h that includes a
mention of compat.geom and all the exectuable binaries, i.e. lrn, nsed, lrd, ...
have matches for compat.geom in my checked out directory. This file is
non-existent and I assume outdated. Can I get this file from somewhere? Can I
get a version of the library that doesn't assume Blast_Params uses or contains
this file? Strangely, as opposed to the situation on my personal computer back
in Somerville, blastmc compiles but BlastLib2 has errors.
What version am I checking out of blast05 when I run "cvs co ."? What is the
most up to date stable version or branch and is this available to be checked out
through blast05? I'm noticing several incompatibilities with what I've checked
out and what I can do at Bates. Although I know my repertoire to be quite
incompetent, I'm pretty sure all of this is not due to conflicting RedHat
Any and all responses are much appreciated as they are necessary for me to do
anything away from Bates.
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