Operator: akdogan
This was a productive but not the smoothest shift. Took
polarized D2 data.
At one point, the data taking is interupted for about 30min,
at which time CCR took the beam to improve lifetime, which
increased to 23.5min at the end of the fill (avg ~22min)
And, there was an RF problem, which costed another 40mins.
However, after fixing the RF problem, CCR could inject faster,
thus tried increasing the injection current to 150mA, which
is holding pretty solidly.
The dump current is increased to 105mA accordingly.
Although, the initial beam polarization yielded rather low value,
it turned out to be a statistical fluke. The lastest average shows
68.6 +- 2.6%.
WC-T5 tempreture is high. Alarm went off, and right now it is
solidly above the upper limit, however, the increase is not rapid.
Consulted to Doug to confirm that it can be ignored.
All WC time spectras look flat with this gas flow rate.
Data are being crunched.
Modified compton controller/online-analyzer to included epics
channels for Compton polarization results as an online diagnostic
tool for CCR (see elog 28811)
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