Ran unpol hydrogen yesterday evening, and then switched to ABS D2.
There were problems this morning with WC R5 tripping, even at
3750V. Turning the beam off for a hall access to look at the chamber seems
to have helped; didn't trip much even at 3950V while trying to see which
wire was the problem. Beam has been back for two hours now, with R5 back
to 3850V and just a few HV trips (not all R5).
spud6 and 3 rebooted this morning, so 4 crunching runs had to be restarted.
Some improvements will be made to the CWRF feedback algorithms, so we
should end up with better, more constant lifetimes. This shouldn't
interfere with running beam. Also, at some point Operations will take the
beam for an hour or so to study the effect of different CWRF gap voltages
on the stored beam.
Plan is to continue running ABS polarized D2. Please keep the runlist up
to date, check on the crunching status of runs, and update pol.log as a
shift's worth of runs finishes crunching.
This archive was generated by hypermail 2.1.2 : Mon Feb 24 2014 - 14:07:31 EST