[BLAST_SHIFTS] Shift summary 09/30/2004 B (9-17)

From: Electronic Log Book (elog@blast05.lns.mit.edu)
Date: Thu Sep 30 2004 - 16:23:38 EDT

Operator: tancredi

Uninterrupted data taking on pol deuterium. Twice the HV hang after a trip
restore (ended run and rebooted IOC)

After run 11587 injection current has been increased to 175 mA, re-injection current is 115 mA (average current > 100 mA ?). The data yield per fill shot
up by 10 %, including dead time. However cell temperature increased quickly
to 110 K.

Plan is to run like this until tomorrow, and check the compton (for spin tune shifts) and target polarization. Note that since ABS was restarted its flow is
about 10 % less (see entry 29689 by karen)

Updated charge total: at the collaboration meeting I estimated 250 kC, up to run 11147 considering only "good" runs and including may data scaled
by I*(hPz**2). Since then and up until yesterday we have collected another 72 kC
so that should put the total for pol deut running (at 80 % target vector polarization) to 320 kC.

Re-edited,added many missing entries in pol.log. Please keep mantaining it.
Attached a luminosity (coinc rate) monitor of most recent 100 runs, including
empty runs (~11530-11540) and unpol runs (~11540-11545).

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