Sorry Michael I will not be attending the analysis meeting (partly to
sleep but mostly as I have an appointment back at UNH)
A summary of current work on vector edel is as follows:
-I have begun looking into the out of plane (i.e. phistar != 0) dependence
of the vector response - starting this by simply binning in phi for
separate measurements of T10, T11
-I have begun extraction of GM. To do this I need A,B,GC,GQ at my Q2
values - in addition to my measurement of T11.
I've sent correspondence to D.Abbott at Jlab regarding errors on the
parameterization but have had no repsonse. In the mean time have gone
back to
original papers to get values for A,B,GC,GQ and done a fit of these data
on my own with associated errors. Used these fits to get A,B,GC,GQ and
eventually GM, at my two Q2 points
-Contacted H. Arenhovel regarding theoretical curves for T10 and T11
Hopefully make some progress on these things in the coming weeks.
On Mon, 6 Dec 2004, Michael Kohl wrote:
> Dear Blasters,
> I'd like to announce that there will be an analysis meeting in the
> Bates conference room this Wednesday 12/08 after the weekly Blast meeting,
> starting at 10am.
> Since we haven't run this meeting in a while and in order to get
> everybody back to speed, it is suggested that everyone attending will
> briefly report (or present with very few slides) the current status of his
> work. From the following week on, it is planned to focus on specific
> topics.
> Regards,
> Michael
> --
> +-------------------------------------+--------------------------+
> | Office: | Home: |
> |-------------------------------------|--------------------------|
> | Dr. Michael Kohl | Michael Kohl |
> | Laboratory for Nuclear Science | 5 Ibbetson Street |
> | MIT-Bates Linear Accelerator Center | Somerville, MA 02143 |
> | Middleton, MA 01949 | U.S.A. |
> | U.S.A. | |
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> | Work: +1-617-253-9207 | Home: +1-617-629-3147 |
> | Fax: +1-617-253-9599 | Mobile: +1-978-580-4190 |
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Pete Karpius
Graduate Research Assistant
Nuclear Physics Group
University of New Hampshire
phone: (603)978-6152
FAX: (603)862-2998
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