[BLAST_ANAWARE] Root C++ Question; segfault cvs BlastLib2

From: Eugene J. Geis (Eugene.Geis@asu.edu)
Date: Mon Dec 27 2004 - 17:57:49 EST

I'm at wits end... I'm looping through some events and doing some calculations,
Root won't allow me to spit out debug lines... it quits in my function and
without processing any 'cout' or 'printf' lines.

The Root message is :
Error: ! Illegal operator for real number
FILE:/home/egeis/analysis/my_macros/kc_t.C LINE:366
*** Interpreter error recovered ***

Has anyone gotten this error? I can't find any problem.

The function's code is attached at the bottom... It is not very long.

I'm also having a problem making the BlastLib2 directory here in AZ...
ReconDict.cc segfaults.

make: *** [ReconDict.cc] Segmentation fault
make: *** Deleting file `ReconDict.cc'

Any help is appreciated,


//Global variables declared -> nX2Bins, mE, mD, mP, mN, dPeleft, dPeright,
//dPpleft, dPpright, dthetae, dthetap, eBeam

Float_t kc_t::FindLowestQ2(Float_t Q2pe,Float_t Q2pp,Float_t Q2te,Float_t
Q2tp,Float_t Q2center,Int_t sector)
  Float_t newPe , newPp , newTe , newTp , Test1 , Test2 , dPp;

  dPp = (sector) ? dPpright : dPpleft; //different resolution v. sector

  Float_t dPe = dPeleft; //same resolution
  Float_t dTe = dthetae;
  Float_t dTp = dthetap;
  Float_t goodX2,delQ2,bestQ2;
  Float_t bestX2 = 50.0;
  Float_t deltaQ2 = 0.07/nX2Bins; //increment size

// Loop over varied Q2 input
  for (Int_t i=0;i<nX2Bins;i++) {

    delQ2 = deltaQ2*(i-nX2Bins/2.0); // deviation from center Q2

    Test1 = mP/(eBeam*(1.0-2*eBeam*mP/(Q2center+delQ2)))+1.0; //input Q2

    if (fabs(Test1)<1.0) {

      newTe = rad2deg*acos(Test1); // arccosine of Test1 if abs(x)<1
      newPe = (eBeam*mP+mE**2)/(mP+eBeam-eBeam*cos(newTe*deg2rad));
      newPp = sqrt((mP+eBeam-newPe)**2-mP**2);
      Test2 = (eBeam+mP)*(sqrt(newPp**2+mP**2)-mP)/(eBeam*newPp);

      if (fabs(Test2)<1.0) {
        newTp = rad2deg*acos(Test2); // arccosine for thetaProton

        goodX2 = ((Q2pe-newPe)/dPe)**2 +
          ((Q2pp-newPp)/dPp)**2 +
          ((Q2te-newTe)/dTe)**2 +
          ((Q2tp-newTp)/dTp)**2; // calculate X2
        if (goodX2<bestX2) {
          bestX2 = goodX2;
          bestQ2 = Q2center+delQ2;

  return bestQ2;

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