Re: [BLASTTALK] Holding field map

From: Chi Zhang (zhangchi@MIT.EDU)
Date: Thu Jan 27 2005 - 17:45:12 EST


DGen/kine.init updated to include the newly measured profile. for spline
interpolated spin angle profile, one can use the following codes:

// Load or include DGen/Parts.h
Target* trag = new init_targ(m); // m being the mass of target particle
targ->Theta_S(z); // z being z.

used ed-elastic events to weighted average this profile, got average of


On Thu, 27 Jan 2005, Genya wrote:

> Hi all,
> Please find attached the Excel file with the holding field
> measurements.
> V6,V7 and V8 are actual voltages measured from 3 Hall probe
> components, H6,H7 and H8
> are corresponding magnetic fields. In first approximation, H6
> corresponds to long. field, H8 - to
> transverse field and H7 - vertical component.
> From that Htot, theta and phi are calculated.
> Now, I do know that the probe had a roll of about 1.6 degrees and
> pitch of about .9 degrees.
> I do not know the most important angle - pitch, it was impossible to
> measure with given apparatus
> with necessary accuracy. New gear will be machined and new measurements
> will be done after the run.
> Genya

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