From: Bill Franklin (wafrankl@mit.edu)
Date: Fri Feb 04 2005 - 16:03:29 EST

Second pass beam throught the linac has been achieved. There is
still a problem with one of the TV targets in the F-Line, but
operations is getting close to being ready to put beam into the

In the South Hall, work on the target has concluded and vacuum has been
re-established. The left neutron wall is in its final position and the
detector should be ready to go. The BLAST pit is presently being searched
to test the BLAST power supply The Hall will be closed later this
afternoon after work is complete in the South Hall and South Pole.

Ops will take the beam until at least noon tomorrow to work on tuning up
the Ring. Beam current will be restricted to 50 mA and initial tuning
will be based on the lifetime and BQM's. If the beam is in a reasonable
state at that time, mechanical technicians will come in to remove the wire
chamber covers. At that point detector voltages can also be turned on.

The BLAST data acquisition system has been checked out and is ready to go.
Initial plan is to run with the empty target, evaluating background rates
and target profile until a desirable tune is achieved. Once that happens,
we will start gradually raising the beam current to investigate the
whether the new target cell and collimator limit the beam intensity.
Some of the scans done when the collimator was initially installed in 2003
will be repeated.

If things go well, we may reach the point of running with the unpolarized
target. Genya is preparing the system today.

Plan to start shifts with the day shift tomorrow (starting at noon), but
it is worth checking in with the counting bay (617-253-9566)and CCR
(617-253-9250). I can be reached on the Nextel at 508-989-2593. At this
point, the schedule is filled for the weekend but there are still open
shifts next week.

Wilbur A. Franklin			*  Phone: 617-253-9518
Bates Linear Accelerator Center		*  FAX:	  617-253-9599
P.O. Box 846				*  Email: wafrankl@mit.edu
Middleton, MA 01949			*

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