[BLAST_SHIFTS] Shift summary 02/25/2005 B (9-17)

From: Electronic Log Book (elog@blast05.lns.mit.edu)
Date: Fri Feb 25 2005 - 18:06:27 EST

Operator: tsentalovich

   We had a long discussion today, and finally came to a conclusion, that readings of the thermosensors on the cell marked FRAME1 and FRAME2 are not quite real. Perhaps, the beam RF induces current in the sensors wires, and hit up the sensors. The only sensor we can trust is the one marked CELL, and it shows temperature of about 110 K with 150 mA injection. So, we decided to ignore FRAME1 and FRAME 2 for now, and increase current to 200 mA.
   At the same time, we realized that polarization in the data taken with 45 degrees field angle is significanly lower than what we measured with 32 degrees. So, we returned back to 32 degrees, at least for now. We'll take data this way this weekend, with perhaps giving one shift for the run with BLAST off (perhaps, with lower current to keep data reasonable).
   At first injection at 200 mA V14 and V15 closed (burst in LIGIT), but it came back pre4tty fast, with good lifetime and reasonable background. Unfortunately, both FRAME1 and FRAME2 sensors get lost immediately, and holding field probes as well. I wonder if we are burning insulating mylar again.
   Still, vacuum looks reasonable, so is the data, so we'll keep taking data.

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