[BLAST_ANAWARE] TNtuple individual entries...

From: Eugene J. Geis (Eugene.Geis@asu.edu)
Date: Tue Mar 08 2005 - 08:42:59 EST

So, I'm looping over events with libBlast.so loaded and a TBLDst object declared
with a file open. I need information from the flr files before recrunch, e.g.
raw WC hits. This is the basis of what I'm doing

TBLDst dst;

if (!dst.Open(*gRecon,gOpt->DstFile(irun),"READ","MICRO")) continue;

TFile *f = new TFile("flr-8497.root");

TNtuple *ntuple = (TNtuple*)f->Get("flr");

TBranch *HWL = (TBranch*)ntuple->GetBranch("hwl");
TBranch *BWL = (TBranch*)ntuple->GetBranch("bwl");
TBranch *HWR = (TBranch*)ntuple->GetBranch("hwr");
TBranch *BWR = (TBranch*)ntuple->GetBranch("bwr");

for (iev=0;iev<dst.GetEntries();iev++) {

  Int_t hits_L = HWL->GetEntry(iev);printf("hits L: %i",hits_L);
  Int_t stub_L = BWL->GetEntry(iev);printf("hits L: %i",stub_L);
  Int_t hits_R = HWR->GetEntry(iev);printf("hits R: %i",hits_R);
  Int_t stub_R = BWR->GetEntry(iev);printf("hits R: %i\n",stub_R);


... this isn't working. I'm getting 4 for every single hwl and bwl entry and
i'm getting -1 for every hwr and bwr entry. This isn't right. Please help... I
figured this should be something easy to do... I'm lost.

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