[BLAST_SHIFTS] Shift summary 03/19/2005 C (17-1)

From: Electronic Log Book (elog@blast05.lns.mit.edu)
Date: Sun Mar 20 2005 - 01:23:24 EST

Operator: hasell

Asked CCR to change the ratio which determines when they dump a fill from 0.67 to 0.71.

Currently injecting at 215 and dumping around 153 mA. Event rate at the top of a fill is around 1100 Hz. Deadtime is only 7 %. Averaging >480 C/hr to tape with peaks over 500.

Set run size to 1,000,000 so runs last around 30 minutes now.

Jan came in and we are now injectingto 225. They would like to tune thinsg a bit more next week and should be able to improve things further. Maybe 250.

R24 and L21 ocassional trip. R24 is now at 3800. L21 has lowered to 3825 but is back to 3850 and appears to be fine.

HVGUI has had to be re-booted three times.

Polarisation is 0.53 / 0.43 so not great but not bad either.

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