[BLAST_SHIFTS] Shift summary 03/30/2005 A (1-9)

From: Electronic Log Book (elog@blast05.lns.mit.edu)
Date: Wed Mar 30 2005 - 08:42:48 EST

Operator: mcilhany

 01:00 - Run 14765 - Inherited run from B shift. WC L21 appeared to be problematic during the day - leading to the suggestion that the channel be run as low as 3700V and the injection current being set at 200mA. *** CE=0 for L21 when I started the shift.
All thru run 14765, WC L21 would trip about every 3-5 minutes. I lowered the voltage as low as 3500V and then realized that CE=0 must have been saved in the database, which will automatically prompt a "HV Trip" message - as the system claims L21 should be on and yet CE=0. By setting CE=1, I was able to bring L21 voltage back up to 3850 and then request the injection current be raised.
01:35 - Run 14766 - stable running at L21 =3850V.
02:28 - Run 14767 - raised injection current in first fill to 210mA, then in all following fills to 220mA.
04:55 - Run 14769 - junk 9th run.
07:00 - bad injection - HV trips plus residual ionization in the beam as seen by both the beam lifetime and ABS compression tube showin instabilities. Otherwise, the run is OK.

Runs taken: 14766-14768 14770-14775

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