Re: [BLAST_ANAWARE] minutes of the analysis meeting on 3/30/5

From: Eugene J. Geis (
Date: Wed Mar 30 2005 - 13:30:03 EST

Where are the recrunched runs from v3_4_4, specifically, 11252-12013?
They're not in /net/data/9/Analysis/data/v3_4_4

Quoting Michael Kohl <>:

> Attending EG,VZ,TA,BT,CC,AS,MK
> -We should have a rate monitor for (e,e'p, e,e'd, e,e'n) candidate
> events per Coulomb and log this run-by-run.
> -Discussing the beam blowup effect. The beam blowup has been
> quantified by VZ for the neutron trigger by comparing the normalized
> quasielastic (e,e'n) rates for empty target and for hydrogen target
> (there is no quasielastic e,e'n production rate from the proton
> target ...). Therefore this is sensitive to any additional production
> from cell walls when the target is filled with hydrogen. The result
> is that the blowup factor is very close to 1.
> -It may be that the beam blowup effect is different for e,e'p from
> hydrogen. In principle, one would have to look at a channel that is
> forbidden in the reaction under consideration. One such channel could
> be the (e,e'pi-) rate which would require the presence of neutrons in
> the target. A comparison of (e,e'pi-) with empty and with hydrogen
> target could be an alternative way to quantify the blowup effect in
> the charged-trigger channel trig=1
> -Another way to quantify the background for p(e,e'p) is to vary the
> cuts on the elastic peak while looking at the observables, or to
> sample the elastic peak and tail region. Pure radiative-tail events
> should exhibit the same asymmetry like elastic events (radiative
> effect is mostly independent of polarization), while any change of
> the
> background contribution may dilute the asymmetry (unpolarized
> background) or change the asymmetry (polarized background, e.g. from
> pion production events that range in)
> -The cell background fraction is different for the (e,e'p) and (e,e'n)
> channels: N_empty/N_deut (e,e'p) > N_empty/N_deut (e,e'n). A possible
> reason could be that the ratio of e,e'p/e,e'n is different for
> scattering from aluminum and for deuterium.
> -The missing momentum in p(e,e'p) is also sensitive to background
> from other sources than hydrogen. It should peak at a very small value
> suggested by the resolution (20?? MeV/c?) whereas in quasielastic
> scattering it should peak around 50 MeV/c for deuterium and 80-100MeV/c
> for heavier nuclei.
> -The definition of the dataset for the next release of preliminary
> data will be "BLAST 2004", including all deuterium and hydrogen data
> of 2004. This will be the data shown at coming conferences and on
> other occasions. It extends the previous preliminary dataset on
> deuterium by about four weeks of running in Sept/Oct 2004, and for
> hydrogen it will be extended by the whole run of Oct-Dec 2004.
> The 2005 data is not at a stage where a preliminary version may
> be released. Nevertheless at next week's collaboration meeting the
> present status of the analysis also of the 2005 data shall be
> discussed. People should therefore prepare results separately for the
> BLAST 2004 dataset and the 2005 or 2004+2005 data!
> We shall have a projected gain of the figure-of-merit for the 2005 run
> by
> next week that may be quoted in presentations.
> -Plan is to have all data calibrated and recrunched by the next
> collaboration meeting end of June / early July (= pre-final data)
> -After this some fine-tuning may still be necessary. We shall push hard
> to
> get final results for the "key reactions" (GEn, T20, A_ed^V(e,e'p),
> GEp/GMp by fall!
> -I will send out an agenda for the coming big meeting on Wednesday 4/6
> soon.
> Regards,
> Michael
> --
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Eugene Geis
PhD Student, Physics Department, ASU
Research Affiliate, MIT-Bates Laboratory of Nuclear Science

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