Doug, ready for 1/3 of a pleasant surprise?
There are 1/(1/3) places:
ep_skim.h:128:float par0 = 2.90027; -> not used! delete it to save
TBLEpicsRecon.h:146: float par0, par1, par2, pedestal; par0 = 2.63549; par1 = 1.50749e-4; par2 =
1.8612e-10; par0 = 2.90027, par1 = 3.01409e-4, par2 =
>>inputreg>>tslreg>>slots>>nbgsca>>bgsca>>spinflipon>>pedestal>>par0>>par1>>par2; fScaler->fScaler_Beam = par0 +
scal_charge*(par1 + par2*scal_charge); fScaler->fBG_Beam = par0 + bgscal_charge*(par1
+ par2*bgscal_charge);
and then edit "Blast_Param/"
note: this file is not archived (it has its own history), so don't worry
about reading a file with fewer parameters. good design choice, Chi!
i don't care about when you start crunching with the update, but please
check in a new version of BlastLib2 (v3_4_7) when you do. (see elog
sticky note)
Douglas Hasell wrote:
> Did not ask Dan about this. We can check when we get beam.
> Who knows where all the places for this calibration exist in the
> code. I will be pleasantly surprised it there is just one place that
> needs to be changed. Also we need to decide when we change the code.
> Cheers,
> Douglas
> 26-415
> M.I.T. Tel:
> +1 (617) 258-7199
> 77 Massachusetts Avenue Fax: +1 (617)
> 258-5440
> Cambridge, MA 02139, USA E-mail:
> On Apr 13, 2005, at 6:07 PM, Chris Crawford wrote:
>> Hi Doug,
>> Was the calibration of the epics LDCCT variable OK? I was under the
>> impression that Dan had been calibrating it periodically in hardware,
>> so it should still be accurate.
>> --thanks, Chris
>> Electronic Log Book wrote:
>>> Operator: hasell
>>> Easy shift - hall open.
>>> Karen, Dan, and I recalibrated the DCCT scaler against a calibrated
>>> charge source. See run 15198. Also performed the fit. Results are
>>> in ELOG. Interesting thing to note is that the voltage to frequency
>>> converter is only good to just over 250 mA so unless we want to make
>>> a big change we should stay below 250 mA for data acquisition.
>>> Michael and Karen replaced the laser on the flasher system. So that
>>> is working again for runs 15206 and following.
>>> Aki has recalibrated the unpol system so it is now available for
>>> both H and D.
>>> Nozzle was regenerated and Genya started ABS again.
>>> Bill and Taylan measured the circular polarisation of the laser just
>>> before it entered the ring and found that it is getting worse with
>>> time. Mostlikely the reason is dirty optics. Still the effect is
>>> small enough that we won't do anything about it.
>>> Other that we took cosmic data.
>>> Started locking up the south hall at 16:30.
>>> Runs 15200-15201 15203-15209 are cosmic
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