Re: [BLAST_SHIFTS] Shift summary 04/26/2005 A (1-9)

From: Karen Dow (
Date: Tue Apr 26 2005 - 10:05:51 EDT

onlineGui uses the ET system to pull events out of the data stream for the
online analysis. visual_scal uses ET to put scaler events into the data
stream. I would have thought onlineGui couldn't block visual_scal from
connecting, but obviously it does. Genya said visual_scal reported that it
failed to connect to ET, no error number or useful text message. I'll do
some investigating.

Usually you should NOT have to do setup to recover from the 9th run hang
(I'll post instructions to elog, and make them a sticky), and so usually
you will NOT encounter Genya's problem. But if you do, stop the onlineGui
and start visual_scal.


At 08:39 AM 4/26/2005 -0400, Electronic Log Book wrote:
>Operator: tsentalovich
>Yesterday morning nozzle regeneration was unsuccesful. I don't have any
>idea what was wrong, but the intensity after regeneration was very low.
>Everything was done as usually (although I did by the phone), and yet
>something didn't work out. It appears, this filthy ABS developed some
>personal attitude, and requires my attendance upon the regeneration. The
>nozzle has been rewarmed again yesterday evening, and now it is fine.
> While turning ABS on, I observed with a great scientific interest that
> SFT probe reading depends not only on the ring current, but target
> thickness as well. Most likely, it depends on beam tune as well. It is
> just a matter of radiation going through the sensor.
> Started pol. data taking at about 1 am. It was rather smooth... couple
> of times I spotted the transitions set wrong (due to this SFT probe
> problem) and set them aright manually.... but I might miss a few as well.
> Once (after 9-th run) scalers wouldn't respond, and I had to wake up
> Karen and to restart online GUI upon her advice (what online GUI has to
> do with it????). Also had to reboot HV GUI once.
> Genya

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