[BLAST_SHIFTS] Daily BLAST meeting

From: Taylan Akdogan (akdogan@MIT.EDU)
Date: Wed Apr 27 2005 - 15:19:03 EDT

Karen changed the trigger-6 (singles in TOF12-15) prescaling
factor from 1000 to 100 to allow some more events (this has low
priority in trigger supervisor logic). It is being used, and it
was confirmed that we get some events. The overall trigger rate
remained the same, as this is a minor change.

After Compton laser and collimator scan for the new tune, the
Compton false asymmetry is in the manageable region.

Genya will do a nozzle regeneration an Friday.

We need volunteers for Friday-A and B shifts.

Run plan for this evening:
  - Continue to take ABS-D2 data
  - Update pol.log file as new runs become available
  - Confirm that the runs are crunching


Taylan Akdogan              Massachusetts Institute of Technology
akdogan@mit.edu                             Department of Physics
Phn:+1-617-258-0801                Laboratory for Nuclear Science
Fax:+1-617-258-5440                                   Room 26-559

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