Re: random MC

From: Chi Zhang (
Date: Thu Sep 01 2005 - 00:27:41 EDT


Aaron, sorry missed your practice, was moving the last couple days,
hauling boxes from one place to another, still looking for thing in dozens
of cardboard boxes.

Pete, DGen is seeded with machine time, it should not produce the same
events. It uses Quasirandom numbers on the other hand, so it converges to
the mean linearly. Error shrinks at a rate of 1/N, instead of 1/sqrt(N),
that might explain why you can not see the points moving cos they converge
to the mean value too fast.


On Wed, 31 Aug 2005, Peter Karpius wrote:

> Hey Aaron-
> How did your practice session go? What room is your defense in on
> Friday? It's at 1pm right?
> Anyway, so I have started generating three MC files with blastmc
> using the KINE command:
> KINE 10 1 1 1 47 0 366 0 11 0 1
> and each with a different RNDM. The '10' invokes
> userGen but I still need to change RNDM as I did right?
> Thanks-
> Pete
> ----------------------------------------------
> Pete Karpius
> Graduate Research Assistant
> Nuclear Physics Group
> University of New Hampshire
> phone: (603)978-6152
> FAX: (603)862-2998
> email:
> ----------------------------------------------

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