BlastLib2 v3_4_14

From: Chris Crawford (
Date: Mon Oct 24 2005 - 11:56:20 EDT

I taggged the new version of BlastLib v3_4_14, and linked them in the
Blast account. Here is a log of the recent changes: (note, there are
problems with the compiled versions 3_4_12, 3_4_13 in the ~blast/bin)

   fix in Wire.Cal
   stable lrs (cbc), changes to charge calculation (cbc)
   autosave and online flags in lrn (cbc),
   fixed epics, scaler ntuples in lrs (cbc)
   improvements to TBLGeomGeneral (cbc)
   update to ep_skim (as), MC (cz), neutral tracks (cz), bugfixes (cz),
   fieldvar (cc), support for NC, LADS in writing calibration files (ms)
   autocruncher adaptation for lrd, fieldvar
v3_4_10 2005-05-30
   changes to DST (chi)
v3_4_9 2005-04-17
   new autocruncher (taylan)
v3_4_8 2005-04-16
   qlrn (chi)
v3_4_7 2005-04-15
   new DCCT calibration (chi)
   code for LG detectors (chi)
   segfault fix (eugene)
v3_4_6 2005-03-11
   lrn fixes (chris2)
v3_4_5 2005-03-09
   Holding Field improvements
   TBLKineFit kineamtic fitter started, not working yet
   extra features in TBLMagField derived classes
   Epics updates
   Zero-field cruncher: lrn +zf (ben)
   BATs fix in lrd, also included in ep_skim
v3_4_4 2004-11-26
   Segault fix, lrn -PreProc option, wc_eff, dump_epics (cc)
v3_4_3 2004-11-16
   updated fillnumber to int (cz)
v3_4_2 2004-11-15
   New TOF variable based on where wc track crosses plane. (cc)
   CloneDST for filtering out new recrunch (cz)
   Fixed crunching MC runs. (cc)
v3_4_1 2004-09-20
   Version (v3_4_1_prod) used for recrunch of H2 (lrn) and D2 (lrd)
   Minor corrections (cz,cc)
   Recrunch tracks >150MeV from dst. (cz)
v3_4 2004-09-16
   Fixes to "lrd" for different directories (cz)
   TBLAcceptance: new acceptance class for BLAST (cc)
   Work on BATs in DST (cz)
   Update detector calibrations from SQL in blocks (cz,mk)
   9th order t2d function (cz)

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