Re: disk usage

From: Nikolas Meitanis (nikolas@MIT.EDU)
Date: Wed Nov 30 2005 - 19:53:34 EST

Yes, I ahve tried du and every single flag I could wouldnt sum up.
Chi just did it somehow...

And since this WILL happen again next week, can we get rid of some of
those users?
The ones who are not actually "using"?


Eugene J. Geis wrote:

>The command is 'du' and there's a buttload of flags that can be piped into sort
>or something. I think you have to be root user to see actual numbers because
>it won't give you sizes of files you're not authorized to read.
>>>I should know this: how does one find out the amount of space every
>>>user is using
>>>on home/blast??
>Eugene Geis
>PhD Student, Physics Department, ASU
>Research Affiliate, MIT-Bates Laboratory of Nuclear Science

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