Bates physics discussion lunch - postponed and day change

From: Wilbur Franklin (
Date: Fri Dec 09 2005 - 08:47:47 EST

Dear Colleagues,

There was an enthusiastic response from a number of people to the idea
of the Bates discussion lunch. Thanks to those who responded to my
initial message. This is the last message that will go to those who
are not interested. A listserve will be set up which people can
subscribe to.

Due to the lousy weather today and likelihood of low turnout, the first
discussion lunch talk will be postponed until next week. Also, there
have been requests to move the day to Wednesday to increase attendance
since there are a number of other meetings that day which people are
more likely to travel to Bates for. Therefore, the first one will be
postponed until Wednesday (Dec. 14) at 12:15. The topic will still be
Optical Stochastic Cooling.


On Dec 6, 2005, at 12:41 PM, Wilbur Franklin wrote:

> Dear Colleagues,
> In the interest of encouraging scientific discourse and lab
> camaraderie it has been proposed that we initiate a weekly brown bag
> discussion lunch at Bates. In some ways, this would simply formalize
> what has been going on informally for years. However, with our
> reduced laboratory manpower and greater diversity of projects,
> there is a need for a structure for people to communicate what they
> are working on and for people to keep up on what is going on in the
> lab. Although the Monday Bates coordination meeting achieves this at
> some level already, the weekly lunch is intended to provide a more
> relaxed discussion of interesting physics or engineering in a bit more
> depth. It is intended as a regular open forum where people can come
> to present new results or delve into issues which can't be described
> at length in the coordination meeting.
> The idea is to have at least 1 person in any given week give a brief
> update on a topic of interest, although some weeks may be an open
> discussion. The tone of the meeting is intended to be informal and
> should not impose undue pressure on speakers to prepare highly
> detailed talks (in fact we may want to limit the number of slides to
> somewhere in the neighborhood of 10-15). However, the talks should
> be geared to people outside the group working directly on the project
> and should encourage questions and suggestions. Topics could include
> current lab projects and experiments, new analysis of previously
> acquired data, ideas for hypothetical future projects, or even
> interesting papers on things being done elsewhere.
> We'll start this Friday at 12:15 in the Bates lunch room with a
> discussion on the MIT Optical Stochastic Cooling Proposal. I have
> volunteered to organize this forum, which hopefully people will want
> to participate in. If you are interested in giving a short talk on a
> problem you are working on in an upcoming week, please let me know.
> In all likelihood, I will be coming around to pester many of you to do
> so anyway. I've tried to include people on this initial message who
> would be possibly interested in this type of forum, which is open to
> anyone with an interest in Bates physics. Certainly I've
> inadvertently left people off. I would like to establish a regular
> e-mail list for this forum. Please send me a quick reply if you
> would like to be on the regular list. Thanks.
> Best regards,
> Bill Franklin

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