Let me rephrase that...
What I meant to say was that I have Aaron's 2004 runlist and I can find
his macro he used to make his plots and then I could play around and get
you the plot you need. When do you need the plots by? I ask because it
may be most efficient to work on this together and so I could come out to
BATES sometime next week if that isn't too late.
On Fri, 16 Dec 2005, Renee H Fatemi wrote:
> ryy,
> On Fri, 16 Dec 2005, Karen Dow wrote:
>> Does anyone know how to remake the picture of BLAST detectors (the
>> one that shows the spectrometer, without coils, with detectors labeled,
>> with the walking man for height reference)? I need a black and white copy
>> for the Spin Praha 2005 proceedings. I tried using xv to convert the color
>> to b&w, but the editor says the labels are unreadable (presumably the
>> labels for the lighter colored detectors).
>> I also need a better b&w figure for the AdT and AedV figures from
>> Aaron's thesis. I tried those with xv, but again the text is unreadable.
>> Probably there don't need to be as many curves, but the curves need to be
>> different textures (solid, dash, dot, whatever) rather than different
>> colors. How do I do that?
>> Thanks.
>> Karen
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