Re: /home/blast 98%

From: Chi Zhang (zhangchi@MIT.EDU)
Date: Fri Dec 16 2005 - 22:06:32 EST

Hi all,

as of 21:57 Dec. 16, /home/blast has 550k free space on it. the last time
we discussed the same issue was Dec. 1st.

I dare to suggest that the use of /home/blast be discussed in one of the
so many meetings and a solution be worked out that would prevent the same
situation to reemerge in at least the next six months.

I can see a few approaches,

1. a quota system that limits the space of each user. since Ernie has made
/scratch1/bud18 fully backed up, I do not see any reason to store big
amount of data on /home/blast.

2. in crease the space in /home/blast. a 40G hard drive costs less than
$100 retail. add a $100 to fully back up. People will still need to use
restraint though as a Monte Carlo session could easily eat up gig bytes of

3. deprecate some inactive users. However, the decision about who to
remove will need to be made by the administration level.

4. not quite realistically, maybe a different net work topology.

BTW, the blasttalk archive is being swamped by messaged from crond daemon
seemingly originated from blast02


On Fri, 16 Dec 2005, Chi Zhang wrote:

> Dear collaborations
> I am retyping this message again. as space is still not available on
> /home/blast which is required by communication between CPUs in the daq
> network and the communication from out side.
> Having to bang my head on the wall working with the data full of problems is
> agitating enough by itself. why do I then have to be interupted by such
> nuisance repeatedly.
> Yours
> Chi Zhang

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