Kinematic corrections and new recrunch

From: Eugene J. Geis (
Date: Mon Jan 02 2006 - 19:15:57 EST

Hello all,

Chi is correct. There is a theta discrepancy that was eliminated from my statistics due to the faulty
calculation in missing mass. The electron_proton agreement is 0.44 and 0.34 degrees off. New graphs
will come. This discrepancy required a different approach where I minimized Chi^2 in Q^2. The final
proper variables were calculated from the best fit for Q2 per event. The final distributions still showed
discrete jumps that were TOF dependent. Therefore, the offsets are still hard and added to the
reconstructed variables by TOF. They should be added like so:

if (qwl==-1 && qwr == 1) {

  pe = pwl + PeLeft[ntl];
  thetae = twl + TeLeft[ntl];

  pp = pwr + PpRight[ntr];
  thetap = twr + TpRight[ntr];


I'll have plots coming out soon with the corrected distributions in ep-elastic vs. uncorrected

The arrays of offsets in SC_Pad # are:

Float_t PeLeft[] = {0.0122,0.0131,0.0229,0.0209,0.0226,0.0229,

Float_t PpLeft[] = {-0.0078,-0.0035,-0.0008,-0.0079,-0.0176,

Float_t PeRight[] = {-0.0152,-0.0159,-0.0169,-0.0150,-0.0138,

Float_t PpRight[] = {0.0401,0.0396,0.0419,0.0428,0.0400,0.0393,

Float_t TeLeft[] = {0.3109,0.2367,0.6002,0.3758,0.3338,0.2095,

Float_t TpLeft[] = {1.2124,0.8412,0.5218,0.8061,1.2637,1.1962,
0.9470, 1.0394,1.1992,1.1599,1.2609,1.2712,1.4409,1.4654,1.0485,0.7716};

Float_t TeRight[] = {-0.7944,-0.8158,-0.9546,-0.7797,-0.7888,

Float_t TpRight[] = {0.0474,0.1496,0.0141,0.1354,0.1477,0.3213,


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