Hi John,
I indeed had pre-commissioning GEANT simulations for both e-p and e-d
elastic (which I just checked and they agree with our conclusion today,
but we had all 8 Cerenkovs there at the time so I do not want to confuse
matters more by sending outdated plots), I also had a comparison with real
data from commissioning.
However, at the time of that comparison we had out-bending field. So
protons were inbending at that time, which meant slower, more backward
protons were still reaching some TOFs... and they were stopped completely
in the TOFs.
With inbending field, that does not happen anymore.
On Fri, 13 Jan 2006, John Calarco wrote:
> What I may be remembering are some GEANT simulations for recoil deuterons
> from elastic ed scattering. The most backward recoil protons from
> coincident ep with forward angle electrons have ~55 MeV at the target.
> They can drop as much as 20 MeV on the way to the TOF and still punch
> through. So I agree with you and Genya.
--------------------------------- Adrian Sindile Research Assistant Nuclear Physics Group University of New Hampshire phone: (603)862-1217 FAX: (603)862-2998 email: asindile@unh.edu http://einstein.unh.edu/~adrian/
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