Hello People,
I am trying to understand charge matrix in the DST files.
From Chi:
Chi>> Aaron once has a short documentation about the design I remember.
I can not find this - any ideas anyone?
From Chris:
Chris>> and m_ij is the charge on combined states 'i,j',
Chris>> for the 6 deuterium states.
Is this the |1> = F=3/2, m+f=+3/2, m_1=+1, m_s=+1/2
|2> ...
I spent some time with Vataliy yesterday and he gave me the
following translation for the LR files.
(Vitaliy's thesis)
(eq 5.3) (eq 5.4)
n(h, P_z, P_zz) lr matrix(#,#)
n( 1, 1, 1) matrix(0,0)
n( 1,-1, 1) matrix(0,1)
n( 1, 0,-2) matrix(0,2)
n(-1, 1, 1) matrix(1,0)
n(-1,-1, 1) matrix(1,1)
n(-1, 0,-2) matrix(1,2)
I am trying to understand these interms of the matrix
here the _p -> h=+1 and _n -> h=-1
inhib_charge_p(j,k) = recon.fEpics->inhib_charge[0][j][k];
inhib_charge[(int)fScaler->fScalerHel][s1][s2] += inhbq;
it looks to me that s1 and s2 are spin bits from the ABS?
In the code "lrn_event" I see
bgpp = fill->inhib_charge_p(1,1);
bgpm = fill->inhib_charge_p(3,3);
bgp0 = fill->inhib_charge_p(1,2);
bgmp = fill->inhib_charge_m(1,1);
bgmm = fill->inhib_charge_m(3,3);
bgm0 = fill->inhib_charge_m(1,2);
from init.C
ch_tmp(0,0) += bgpp; // +/+ +/+/+
ch_tmp(0,1) += bgpm; // +/- +/-/+
ch_tmp(1,0) += bgmp; // -/+ -/+/+
ch_tmp(1,1) += bgmm; // -/- -/-/+
ch_tmp(0,2) += bgp0; // +/u +/0/-
ch_tmp(1,2) += bgm0; // -/u -/0/-
so can I do this?:
inhib_charge_p(0,0) = total charge with beam h=+1
n(h, P_z, P_zz) lr matrix(#,#) DST
n( 1, 1, 1) matrix(0,0) inhib_charge_p(1,1)
n( 1,-1, 1) matrix(0,1) inhib_charge_p(3,3)
n( 1, 0,-2) matrix(0,2) inhib_charge_p(1,2)
n(-1, 1, 1) matrix(1,0) inhib_charge_m(1,1)
n(-1,-1, 1) matrix(1,1) inhib_charge_m(3,3)
n(-1, 0,-2) matrix(1,2) inhib_charge_m(1,2)
--_____________________________________________________________ Timothy Paul Smith Assistant Research Professor Dartmouth College, Physics (603)646-9346 6127 Wilder, Hanover, NH 03755 timothy.p.smith@dartmouth.edu http://he3.dartmouth.edu/TimSmith
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