Minutes Blast Analysis Meeting from 02/08/2006

From: Michael Kohl (kohlm@mit.edu)
Date: Sun Feb 12 2006 - 17:53:13 EST


below are the minutes of the analysis meeting of last Wednesday.
The next meeting on Wednesday 02/15/2006 at 13:30 will be run by Doug.



-Status of wire chamber geometry (DH)
  Within each chamber the location of the wires seem to be correct.
  A global 13mm shift in both sectors along z was observed in addition
  to a 1.2mm shift of one chamber relative to the other two in the right
  sector. The latter shift may explain a 50MeV offset. Progress is made
  toward a re-determination of the geometry calibration. Once the proper
  positions are known, a recrunch from DST will be carried out (doable
  within ~2 weeks.). The hope is that with an appropriate geometry
  calibration the "kinematic offsets" are cured consistently and
  simultaneously in all reaction channels. Overdetermined elastic and
  quasielastic kinematics will be used to determine the residual
  The 13 mm longitudinal shift likely affects the reconstructed target-z
  distribution by this amount. It was noted that the average spin angle
  for a given spin angle map may therefore be affected.

-Plan for new mapping of target spin angle (ET)
  ET will check with the Jlab group if their setup can be borrowed to
  re-map the spin angle for BLAST. The method aims for a direct spin
  angle measurement similar to a compass. It is suggested to address
  the method and expected accuracy in an upcoming (analysis?) meeting.

-FF from super ratio and hPz from vector d(e,e'p) (RF)
  The sqrt(3/2) factor explained the previous discrepancy of the hPz
  extraction comparing the super ratio method with the Arenhoevel-MC based
  method (within a few %)). Still, the extracted hPz values show a Q2
  dependence. The earlier suspicion that this Q2-dependence of the
  extracted hPz product may be due to different nucleon form factors in
  deuterium than the dipole form factors used in HA's model seems not to
  hold. Next step is to use a spin angle map instead of a fixed value
  for the hPz and super ratio determination.

-Status of radiated MC (ASUNH)
  Shown was the normalized yield as measured compared with the
  MASCARAD-MC result (with Hoehler form factors). Very good
  agreement. Suggested to plot
  1) Unradiated and radiated MC result vs. Q2 after all cuts in one plot
  2) Measured and MC yield as a function of W (without W-cut!)
  3) The ratio of measured/MC yields (with errors) to spot details of the

-How to extract inclusive yields and asymmetries for N-Delta (OF)
  Relevant trigger types for this consideration 1 (charged-charged),
  2 (charged-neutral) and 7 (residual singles with Cerenkov). Trigger 7
  was prescaled with a factor 9 for the Dec2004 hydrogen experiment.
  The inclusive normalized yield for a given phase space element is
  Y=(N1 + N2 + 9*N7)/Q, where Ni are the measured counts for the
  trigger type i and Q is the total charge.
  The yield in each trigger type Yi selects different physics processes
  with individual cross sections Si and with different efficiencies
  ei. It is important that trigger 7 is the "residual" trigger type
  whose efficiency is related to the ones of trigger types 1 and 2:
  Y1=e1*S1, e1=ee*echarged (ee=electron efficiency, echarged=charged
  hadron efficiency)
  Y2=e2*S1, e2=ee_eneutral (eneutral=neutral particle efficiency)
  Y7=e7*S7=ee*[(1-echarged)*S1 + (1-eneutral)*S2)
  -> Y=Y1+Y2+Y7= ... =ee*(S1+S2)=ee*S
  The so-constructed inclusive yield Y is proportional to the inclusive
  cross section. As such, the inclusive asymmetry does not depend on the
  electron efficiency. The above consideration requires the identical
  treatment of electron-related cuts for all three trigger types.
  A Montecarlo of elastic scattering with MASCARAD needs to be carried
  out to determine the fraction of elastic events in the radiative tail
  ranging into the inelastic region. The elastic-tail events correspond
  to a dramatically different asymmetry than the N-Delta events, and
  MASCARAD with realistic form factors will exactly tell the fraction of
  elastic events in each spin state separately.
  The extracted inelastic yields can be compared to a MAID-based MC that
  also incorporates spin-dependent radiative processes as calculated
  from POLRAD.

| Office: | Home: |
| Dr. Michael Kohl | Michael Kohl |
| Laboratory for Nuclear Science | 5 Ibbetson Street |
| MIT-Bates Linear Accelerator Center | Somerville, MA 02143 |
| Middleton, MA 01949 | U.S.A. |
| U.S.A. | |
| - - - - - - - - - - - - | - - - - - - - - -|
| Email: kohlm@mit.edu | K.Michael.Kohl@gmx.de |
| Work: +1-617-253-9207 | Home: +1-617-629-3147 |
| Fax: +1-617-253-9599 | Mobile: +1-978-580-4190 |
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