W comparison with MC after momentum corrections

From: Adrian T Sindile (asindile@cisunix.unh.edu)
Date: Tue Feb 28 2006 - 21:46:44 EST

Hi Michael,
Like I promised last week, I have done some (very) careful momentum
corrections and here are a few plots showing a comparison for the
invariant mass W between the unradiated Monte Carlo (blue), radiated
Monte Carlo (red) and real data (black)...

1) Before momentum corrections (plot shown two weeks ago):


2) After momentum corrections:


For the second plot, very crude acceptance (theta and phi) and vertex cuts
were used, in order to clean up the data a bit, without using cuts that
could affect W. No cuts were used for the first plot... The double peak in
real data (second plot) comes from the two sectors.

In my opinion, the applied momentum corrections move the data very close
to the radiated Monte Carlo. I am sure even better corrections can be
applied, once we recalibrate the wire chambers and recrunch the data...

I am resending the following plots, just so that people can refer to them
faster in order to view the complete MC-radMC comparison:



(MC asym - radMC asym)/MC asym:

Thank you,

Adrian Sindile
Research Assistant
Nuclear Physics Group
University of New Hampshire
phone: (603)862-1217
FAX: (603)862-2998
email: asindile@unh.edu

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