Minutes of the 03/01/2006 analysis meeting

From: Michael Kohl (kohlm@mit.edu)
Date: Thu Mar 02 2006 - 12:19:40 EST


below are the minutes of the analysis meeting on 03/01/2006.

-Adrian has determined "kinematic corrections" from ep elastic data by
  assuming that the electron angles theta_e,phi_e and reaction vertex z
  are correct. Subsequently, p_e, p_p, theta_p, phi_p and z_p get
  corrected. As a self consistency test he shows the invariant mass
  spectrum W. In the raw W spectrum, a double peak with an offset from
  the proton mass is seen, after correcting the width of the peak is
  reduced and located at M_p (see corrected plot, there was a sign
  error at the time of the meeting). The obtained W spectrum is also
  compared with the MC result (energy loss turned on, MASCARAD once
  turned off and once on.). The corrected spectrum resembles more the
  unradiated MC (as energy loss and radiation is not accounted for in
  the reconstruction, the correction effectively also covers these
  effects). Thus, for the "correction" to become more "universal",
  i.e. independent of the PID, the energy loss and radiative effects
  need to be accounted for in the reconstruction first, before the
  remaining "net" correction are determined. Energy loss and internal
  radiation are nevertheless small compared to the size of the total
  Adrian will generate his "set of corrections" both for the old
  (v3_4_12) and new crunch version (RECRUNCHDIR=v3_4_14/5) and make it

  It is still a task to parameterize the momentum loss of a particle
  (p,d,pi+-,e) as a function of its initial momentum or as a
  two-dimensional function of momentum and angle (from comparison
  of reconstructed radiated MC incl. energy loss with the tossed
  momentum). This was declared a task already in January!

-Eugene showed how momentum and angle offsets, as well as the
  reconstructed beam energy of real data compared with MC data, both
  radiated and unradiated (energy loss turned on). In the plots of
  reconstructed beam energy, the effect of energy loss is seen in MC in
  form of a deviation at the lowest proton momenta (large proton
  angles). He confirmed Chris' finding in the right sector where
  momentum offsets of the proton and electron have opposite
  signs. Eugene generated a MC with the middle chamber in the right
  sector off-set by 1mm. The result for the reconstructed beam energy
  resembles much the one for the real data, though not completely
  (the resulting effect for the electron is not as big as in the real
  data). The situation in the left sector remains not understood. While
  the reconstructed proton variables almost agree with the MC
  expectations, the electron momentum is off by a considerable
  amount (30-50MeV). Note that protons and electrons cover different
  regions in the wire chamber. Eugene tried to introduce some other
  shifts/rotations that may explain the observation in the left sector,
  yet inconclusive though.

-Discussion on further strategy: As said already last week, it is not
  satisfying to just make an adhoc assumption for the geometrical shift
  and do a recrunch (so far the analysis of elastic data has only shown
  evidence for a sensitivity to a geometry effect). The straight track
  analysis with zero field also sees a shift of ~1mm, however the
  precision is not so good. The zero field runs have the disadvantage
  of high hit multiplicity and thus bad resolution (the evidence of a
  1mm shift first appeared only as a shoulder and only restrictive cuts
  improved that somewhat). The other disadvantage is that each track
  crosses only one sector, i.e. three chambers, so the redundancy is
  quite small.
  In using cosmic rays instead, the above two disadvantages are
  overcome: these tracks have multiplicity of one, and one may find
  enough of them that cross the entire detectors through all six
  chambers left and right. We are looking for global shifts of one (or
  two) chambers relative to the other ones... a chi2 analysis
  (minimization with respect to an assumed offset) of these
  straight tracks are much more likely to give a unique result.
  Alternatively, for each of the six chambers one can histogram the
  distance of the actual hit (or segment) from the crossing point
  of the fitted track at that considered chamber. Any geometrical shift
  should accumulate to a sharp peak in such a histogram.

  It is of top priority to pursue the cosmic ray analysis in a timely
  manner. It was considered that this analysis should be conclusive by
  mid March. The recrunch with the improved geometry will then be ready
  before the end of the month. The residual kinematic offsets need to
  be evaluated (and determined) and made available. We'll have a
  collaboration meeting on April 7, 2006. We should be able to see how
  the improvement is influencing the physics results. Upon the April
  meeting, we should become very clear on the necessary actions to
  finalize the results for
  It is suggested to have another collaboration meeting early or mid
  May before the conference season start. At this point, reliable results
  are expected.

-There is some ongoing discussion on convergence and reliability of
  the currently used tracking algorithm for real data that I raised
  last week.

-The spin angle issue will be discussed in the next meeting.

-Inclusive p(e,e') (OF)
  Tavi showed us inclusive yields and asymmetries. The inclusive yield
  is obtained from summing triggers 1,2,3 and prescalefactor times
  trigger 7, regardless wether trigger 2 or 3 were prescaled. Trigger 3
  contributes on a very low level anyway.
  Yields with full and with empty target were shown as a function of
  invariant mass for all Q2 combined up to 0.35 (GeV/c)^2. The (double
  polarization) asymmetry was also shown vs. W. However, Tavi's raw
  asymmetries in the elastic region seemed to disagree with the elastic
  asymmetries of Chris and Adrian. Also shown was a combined MC for
  elastic scttering + MASCARAD plus MAID2003 for pion
  production. Again, in the elastic region there was disagreement
  between MC and data which needs to be resolved first. We discussed
  normalization procedure: MC yields for MAID and elastic are combined
  based on the relative cross sections. The normalization of MC to data
  should be done based on elastic yields where the physics is well
  known. Likewise, inelastic cross sections can be deduced from
  normalization to the elastic yield and assuming the elastic cross
  section theoretically. This inelastic normalization is modulo the
  ratio of the electron detection efficiency for elastically and
  inelastically scattered electrons.

Best regards,


| Office: | Home: |
| Dr. Michael Kohl | Michael Kohl |
| Laboratory for Nuclear Science | 5 Ibbetson Street |
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| Email: kohlm@mit.edu | K.Michael.Kohl@gmx.de |
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