Dear Eugene and Adrian,
Doug has found a discrepancy between his and Aaron's wire chamber geometry
that could potentially explain the kinematic offsets.
The straight track analysis gives a 1mm offset for Aaron's calib but none
for Doug's.
The relevant files in Blast_Params (Wire.Cal and blast.geom) are currently
updated and I will invoke a recrunch of the hydrogen data asap this
afternoon. This recrunch should be fast (<24 hours) so I would like you to
evaluate the kinematic shifts of this new recrunch for
elastic scattering p_e-p_e(th_e), p_p-p_p(th_p), th_e(th_p), phi_e-phi_p,
z_e-z_p, and z_e and z_p before/after some time tonight or tomorrow
morning before the meeting at 13:30.
I'll send another email once I kicked off the crunch.
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