Minutes of the 2006/04/12 Blast analysis meeting

From: Michael Kohl (kohlm@mit.edu)
Date: Wed Apr 12 2006 - 15:58:03 EDT


below are the minutes of today's analysis meeting. Read and enjoy.



Attending JC,BT,YX,CZ,TA,VZ,RF,KD,DH,MK,CC(phone),AD(phone)

-Recrunch preparation, bugfixes, workarounds
  +TOF pedestals added for 7002-12143
  +2004 deuterium recrunch started, no new tag (v3_4_18 is actual)
  +Found also timing issues with 2004 hydrogen runs (see ppt):
   TOF entries in database were modified, will fix it
  +Pathlength fix: ltwl,r instead of Lwl,r.
   This also matters for Tnn, because of Twl,r=Lwl,r/30 for electrons.
   Hence, Tnn(corr) = Tnn + (ltwl,r-Lwl,r)/30
   Correction is on the order of 1ns, mostly at backward electron angles
  +working on 2004-H2 and 2005-D2 calibration fixes while crunching

-Mascarad handling
  +Mascarad channel "666" only produces tail, starting from low energy
   cutoff. Default is 10 MeV
  +Use channel "266" (mixes Epel and Mascarad) for realistic MC
   Sum of unradiated and radiated yield should reproduce total elastic
   cross section (important to normalize radtail for inelastic
  +The smaller the low-energy cutoff, the more the Mascarad part is
   weighted (automatically in "266", however renormalization of total
   cross section required). The cutoff can be chosen in the input
  +Cutoff should be smaller than the resolution, but large enough to
   not cause numerical instabilities. Present default is 10 MeV, resolution
   is ~30 MeV.
  +To-do-list for Mascarad users (Eugene, Adrian,...):
   Run Epel+Mascarad ("266") for different low-energy cutoff values and
   compare MC yield with data (W spectrum). Find range of cutoff values
   for which MC/data doesn't vary, assuming realistic resolution (!)
  +Tune the resolution such that MC best reproduces data. Tip: look at
   ratio MC/data versus W for all adjustments of cutoff and resolution
  +Goal: By how much does the location of the W peak maximum bin shift
   compared to the unradiated peak position depending on the resolution?
   This result should be parametrized and separately accounted for along
   with energy loss of the proton when "residual kinematic corrections" are

-Shifted acceptance
  +Acceptance has not shifted in data reconstruction
  +Discrepancy between data and MC at forward angles for d(e,e'p)n and
   d(e,e'n)p, see Eugene's and Adam's plots (meeting_060412)
  +Tossing volume starts at 24 degrees which is too large, should be 22
   degrees or smaller
  +VZ attributes discrepancy to the way the white generator distributes
   events in phase space, giving poor yield at small angles but I don't
   buy this
  +Tossing volume should be at least as large as necessary to cover all
   resolution smearing.
  +Unclear how hPz at smallest Q2bin is affected

| Office: | Home: |
| Dr. Michael Kohl | Michael Kohl |
| Laboratory for Nuclear Science | 5 Ibbetson Street |
| MIT-Bates Linear Accelerator Center | Somerville, MA 02143 |
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| U.S.A. | |
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| Email: kohlm@mit.edu | K.Michael.Kohl@gmx.de |
| Work: +1-617-253-9207 | Home: +1-617-629-3147 |
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