spin angle by Q^2 bin

From: Christopher Crawford (chris2@lns.mit.edu)
Date: Wed May 03 2006 - 13:29:35 EDT

Here is a plot of the z-distribution by Q^2 bin the the H2 dataset.
I used the same cuts as my Ge/Gm analysis for obvious reasons, and
note that I am using the tighter cuts in 'phi' and 'z'. In case you
noticed, I applied the z cut after plotting the histograms to the
left. The second plot shows the spin angle as a function of 'z', and
averaged over the event distribution, with respect to the nominal
spin angle in Doug's spin-angle routine.

We still need to decide on the nominal nominal angle before I can
quote an 'average spin-angle from the fieldmap'.

The averages are listed below, with respect to the nominal angle.

average dbeta over all Q^2 bins (left, right):
      -0.8243 -0.8299
average dbeta over each bin (bin, left, right):
   0 -0.8224 -0.8232
   1 -0.8541 -0.8389
   2 -0.8568 -0.8045
   3 -0.6605 -0.8579
   4 -0.8607 -0.8624
   5 -0.7804 -0.7120 Also
   6 -0.8386 -0.8622
   7 -1.0275 -0.9995

In my thesis, I quote a systematic effect of 0.0073 / deg of
deviation in spin angle (uniform in each sector). I'm still
exploring the implications of the above deviations, but I expect it
to be well within the current systematic error bars.

However, an item of quite concern is the gouges in the the z-
distribution, especially upstream at low Q^2 in the left sector (left
red plot). The locality in z suggests it is due to reconstruction or
a missing cell in the drift chambers. Also, the left sector, 5th Q^2
bin looks enhanced downstream (why?).


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