Minutes of the Blast analysis meeting on Thursday 11/02/2006

From: Michael Kohl (kohlm@mit.edu)
Date: Thu Nov 02 2006 - 14:48:10 EST


below are the minutes of today's analysis meeting.
The next meeting will be the BLAST collaboration meeting on Friday
11/17/2006 at 09:00am at Bates.

Find today's presentations in



-d(e,e'p) kinematic corrections (AD)
  +see ppt
  +showing comparison of data-MC before and after applying EG's
   corrections. Generally, the original discrepancies become much
   smaller, in particular in the intermediate Q2 region where they were
  +Comparisons shown for p_e, theta_e, p_p, theta_p, for different Q2
   bins. Corrections larger for momenta, angles less affected.
  +Comparison shown for theta_q for various electron angle bins
   ->would need to see this also for Q2 bins
  +While corrections from elastic scattering obviously work quite well
   for quasielastic (e,e'p), there are also discrepancies left that will
   be adressed with a refined kinematic correction using the
   quasielastic MC.

-d(e,e'n) status update (EG,VZ)
  +Discrepancies in runlist, charge, and raw asymmetries between EG and
   VZ removed. Found and repaired two bugs, both analyses now
  +Also MC asymmetries are now consistent betwee VZ and EG
  +Extracted preliminary GEn for 2004 and 2005 and for the
   combination. Results are pending on timing corrections.
  +Timing corrections for the neutron-TOF determined for 2004 data,
   by comparing measured neutron-TOF with calculated TOF from electron
   angle and momentum and neutron angle. They are small!!
   -> check yield comparison data-MC versus pmiss components for each
      Q2bin without and with new corrections
  +Analysis update with timing corrections in progress.
  +Even better corrections are expected with corrections for
   quasielastic scattering (right now only EG's elastic corrections are
   applied for the electron)

-p(e,e')delta status analysis/results (OF)
  +shown yields, asymmetries versus W for narrow slices of Q2
  +Q2 so far limited to <0.18 (GeV/c)^2, but acceptance (with Cerenkov)
   covers up to Q2=0.35
   -> show asymmetries for higher Q2 bins as well at collaboration
   -> as asymmetries vary slowly with Q2, choose wider bins
      0.08-1.15, 0.15-0.22. 0.22-0.29, 0.29-0.35
   -> justify this assumption by taking a narrow slice of W=1230+-20
      and plot yields and asymmetry versus Q2
  +Agreement between data and MC too good to be believable
  +Amount of radiative tail in ELRADGEN-MC seems low compared to
   unradiated elastic yield in the peak

  +Expect referee report of proton PRL soon (see status below)
  +Meeting on new experiment E06 for J-PARC/Japan this Saturday
   11/04/2006 09:00 (all day) on campus (Kolker room)
   See agenda below.

Status of the proton PRL (as of Nov. 02, 2006):

19Oct06 02Nov06 Review request to referee; report received
22Sep06 31Oct06 Review request to referee; report received
09Oct06 16Oct06 Reminder to referee; response received
22Sep06 09Oct06 Review request to referee; report received
09Oct06 09Oct06 Reminder to referee; response received
15Sep06 Acknowledgment sent to author via email
15Sep06 Corr. to author (paper long; short version NOT required now)
08Sep06 Correspondence (miscellaneous) sent to author via email

J-PARC E06 meeting on Saturday November 4, 2006
Tentative agenda:
-09:00 Welcome - Michael Kohl, Bernd Surrow,
                                            Richard Milner
-09:15 CP violation beyond SM, - Chary Rangacharyulu
        Physics of P_T
-09:45 The E-246 experiment at KEK - Mike Hasinoff
        Method and apparatus
-10:15 Systematics and limitations - Chary Rangacharyulu
        of E-246

-10:45 Coffee break

-11:00 Introduction and status of J-PARC - Jun Imazato
-11:30 Proposed experiment E06 at J-PARC - Jun Imazato

-12:00 Lunch

-13:30 The MIT GEM R&D Lab - Bernd Surrow, Frank Simon
-14:00 Status of MC simulation - Suguru Shimizu

-14:30 Discussion
        +R&D tasks (MC, polarimeter, tracking)
        +Responsibilities for subprojects
        +Funding possibilities, timeline
        +Next meeting: date and venue

| Office: | Home: |
| Dr. Michael Kohl | Michael Kohl |
| Laboratory for Nuclear Science | 5 Ibbetson Street |
| MIT-Bates Linear Accelerator Center | Somerville, MA 02143 |
| Middleton, MA 01949 | U.S.A. |
| U.S.A. | |
| - - - - - - - - - - - - | - - - - - - - - -|
| Email: kohlm@mit.edu | K.Michael.Kohl@gmx.de |
| Work: +1-617-253-9207 | Home: +1-617-629-3147 |
| Fax: +1-617-253-9599 | Mobile: +1-978-580-4190 |
| http://blast.lns.mit.edu | |

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