From: Eugene J. Geis (
Date: Fri Feb 09 2007 - 14:34:33 EST

Need to know:

Were Trigger 2 events filtered in the lr-files in the directory:
to prevent particles in the neutral particle sector from having tracks?
The Veto on raw hits in the WC used to cut out more than 95% of the
trigger 2 events and now when I analyze trigger 2 events, and then use
a charge veto, I'm only cutting out approximately 20%... This doesn't
seem right because I could've swore that there were much more events
in the trigger 2 yield.

For run 11251: lr-11251.root

root [1] lr->Draw("qwl","qwl==-1&&trig==2")
root [2] lr->Draw("qwl","qwl==-1&&trig==2&&hwr<13")

Eugene Geis
PhD Student, Physics Department, ASU
Research Affiliate, MIT-Bates Laboratory of Nuclear Science

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