This file attempts to list one way in which to (successfully) do the following: - Get your own copy of the BLAST CVS repository - Get the BLAST Monte Carlo running with or without the DGen kinematics generator (FYI the DGen kinematics generator generators kinematics for deuteron-target reactions (e.g. d(e,e'), d(e,e'p), d(e,e'n), ...) - Get the BLAST reconstruction library as well as the "nsed" and "lrn" executables working - Get the "lrn" executable to reconstruct Monte Carlo data There are many ways to do these things; this file describes only one way (the way that I use). If you have personal preferences that differ from mine, you must obviously be wrong. (j.j.) Aaron ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1) Make a directory to hold your own copy of the BLAST CVS repository, and go into it: prompt> mkdir BLASTCVS prompt> cd BLASTCVS 2) Make two directories within this directory called "SOURCE" and "BUILD": prompt> mkdir SOURCE prompt> mkdir BUILD The "SOURCE" directory will hold all of the files in your copy of the BLAST CVS repository. The "BUILD" directory will hold your own working version of the files (e.g. the shared object libraries and executables). Splitting your files in this manner is nice in that, if you need multiple copies of libraries to do different things, you just have to make another "BUILD" directory (e.g. "BUILD2") and run through this procedure again. 3) Go into the "SOURCE" directory, and get your own copy of the CVS "head" files: prompt> cd SOURCE prompt> cvs co . If you need a specific branch of the CVS, you must ask CVS for it (after you have already gotten a copy of the "head"!!!) by typing the following: prompt> cvs up -r [BRANCH NAME] [DIRECTORIES TO UPDATE] Here, [BRANCH NAME] is the branch name you want, and [DIRECTORIES TO UPDATE] is a list of directories that are to be updated with the [BRANCH NAME] update. For example, at the time of this writing, the most up-to-date version of "./BlastLib2" and "./Blast_Params" (which contain the reconstruction libraries and parameters files to be used with the reconstruction) is branch "b3_1" (no double quotes). Thus, in order to update these two directories to this branch, I would type the following line (after typing the above two): prompt> cvs up -r b3_1 ./BlastLib2 ./Blast_Params Figuring out which is the correct branch for each application is somewhat harder. I suggest asking someone "in the know" (e.g. Chris, Chi, Tancredi, or Aaron (but only if you're really desperate, cause he's usually not sure himself!!!)) *** NOTE: If you wish to use the reconstruction on Monte Carlo data, you MUST update "./BlastLib2" and "./Blast_Params" to branch "b3_1"!!!!! 4) Go into the "BUILD" directory, and configure your copy of the BLAST CVS repository for your computer. prompt> cd ../BUILD prompt> ../SOURCE/configure --prefix=[ABSOLUTE PATH OF BUILD DIRECTORY] --enable-debug Usually, before I configure, I type "pwd", and just copy the path in for [ABSOLUTE PATH OF BUILD DIRECTORY]. (There's probably a more elegant way to do this, but I don't know it.) The "--enable-debug" option is very useful as it will show you where errors are instead of just seg faulting. If you need to use the DGen Monte Carlo kinematics generator, type the following line instead of the previous one: prompt> ../SOURCE/configure --prefix=[ABSOLUTE PATH OF BUILD DIRECTORY] --enable-dgen --enable-debug The "--enable-dgen" tells the Monte Carlo to compile in the DGen kinematics generator library. Note: To see a list of all such configure options, type the following within the "BUILD" directory: prompt> ../SOURCE/configure --help 5) Within the "BUILD" directory, go into the "blastmc" directory and create the BLAST Monte Carlo executable: prompt> cd ./blastmc prompt> make This will create a directory called "run" (if one doesn't already exist) within your "BUILD" directory. If you go into this "run" directory, you will see an executable file called "blast" as well as a link to a shared-object file called "": prompt> cd ../run prompt> ls blast* In order to run the "blast" executable (which is the BLAST Monte Carlo executable), you must do BOTH of the following: a) Set the environment variable "BLAST_PARAM" equal to the absolute path to your "Blast_Params" directory. In our on-going example, we would type the following: prompt> setenv BLAST_PARAM ~[USERNAME]/BLASTCVS/SOURCE/Blast_Params where [USERNAME] is your user name. To make this change permanent, add this line at the end of your ".login" file in your ~[USERNAME] directory. Then logout and log back in. b) Within the "BLASTCVS/BUILD/run" directory make a symbolic link (called "fort.99") to the "fort.99" file located within your "Blast_Params" directory: prompt> ln -s ../../SOURCE/Blast_Params/fort.99 fort.99 If, in addition to simply running the Monte Carlo, you wish to use the DGen libraries, too, you must ALSO do the following: a) Go into the "/BUILD/userGen/DGen" directory and type "make": prompt> cd ../userGen/DGen prompt> make b) In a directory COMPLETELY SEPARATE from your entire BLAST CVS copy, make a directory called "STRUCTURE". Copy into this directory all of the deuteron structure files given to us by Arenhovel. Note: Due to their large size and number, these files are NOT in the BLAST CVS. There is a copy, however, of all current structure files located within "/scratch/bud03/ajmasch/STRUCTURE". Simply copy these files into your own "STRUCTURE" directory. Due to their large size and number, I suggest that you place your copy of the "STRUCTURE" directory onto a /scratch drive!!!! For example: prompt> cd /scratch/[COMPUTER NAME]/[USER NAME] prompt> mkdir STRUCTURE prompt> cp /scratch/bud03/ajmasch/STRUCTURE/* . The above commands will only work if [COMPUTER NAME] happens to be "bud03" and if you have already created a [USER NAME] directory on the "/scratch/bud03" disk. Else, you'll have to do a litte more in order to copy these files... c) Go back into your "BLASTCVS/BUILD/RUN" directory, delete the existing "structure" symbolic link that appeared when you made the "userGen/DGen" directory, and create a "new" symbolic link (still called "structure" (all LOWER CASE!!!)) to the "STRUCTURE" directory you just created. prompt> cd ~[USERNAME]/BLASTCVS/BUILD/run prompt> rm structure prompt ln -s /scratch/[COMPUTER NAME]/[USER NAME]/STRUCTURE structure d) Within the "run" directory, open the "fort.99" file (follow the symbolic link to it) and change the "KINE" line within it to the following: KINE 10 1 1 1 21 0 3 0 11 Then change the "VERT" line to the following: VERT -1 Save and close this file. e) Within the "run" directory, open the "kine.init" file (follow the symbolic link to it) and make sure that the line following the "#POTENTIAL_GEN_MODEL" line reads as below: 0 5 0 The BLAST Monte Carlo is now ready to be run. Read through the well-documented "fort.99" file to see how. In order to make the BLAST Monte Carlo do exactly what you want it to, you'll have to look into (and possibly change) the "fort.99" file. If you are using the DGen kinematics generator as well, you'll probably have to make changes to the "kine.init" file as well. If you wish the Monte Carlo to produce a CODA file (that you can later use the reconstruction library on), make sure that the "OUTP" line within the "fort.99" file includes the word "'CODA'" (yes, single quotes must be written, too!!!). Doing so will make the Monte Carlo generate a CODA file after running called "event.coda". *** NOTE: If you are using DGen in your Monte Carlo, you must be aware of one more thing. When you run the "blast" executable, you will eventually come to a "GEANT>" prompt. When this prompt first appears, you must re-type the above "KINE" statement BEFORE running the Monte Carlo any further: GEANT> KINE 10 1 1 1 21 0 3 0 11 Now you can process events (via the "TRIG" command) as usual. See the beginning of the "fort.99" file for more documentation. 6) Create the reconstruction library (""), the "nsed" executable, and the "lrn" executable within the "BUILD/BlastLib2" directory: prompt> cd ../BlastLib2 prompt> make When everything finishes, you will sse, among other things, the shared-object library file, "" as well as the executable files "nsed" and "lrn" within this directory. In order to use "lrn", you will need to set the environment variables "DATADIR" and "ANALDIR"; "DATADIR" is the directory containing the CODA files that you wish to analyze while "ANALDIR" is the directory that the root files produced from "lrn" will be put into. You will also need the environment variable "BLAST_PARAM", but that should already be set from before when you set up the Monte Carlo. The options file for running the reconstruction library is the "blastrc" file, located within "SOURCE/Blast_Params". This file is the reconstruction-equivalent of the Monte Carlo options file "fort.99"; thus, you might have to make changes to it in order to specify the exact reconstruction styles that you want. If you wish to run reconstruction macros (e.g. show_ep_aymmetry.C or show_deep_asym.C) from your own directory, you must first make sure that "DATADIR" and "ANALDIR" are setup appropriately. Then you must make a symbolic link of "" in the directory containing the macro to be run. 7) With both the Monte Carlo and the reconstruction libraries setup, we can now reconstruct Monte Carlo data. To do so, take the "event.coda" file that comes out of the Monte Carlo when you run it, and copy it into whatever directory has the "lrn" executable in it (in this example, it is the "BlastLib2" directory. Once this is done, simply type the following from within the directory with the "lrn" executable: prompt> lrn -m The "-m" option tells the "lrn" executable that the data is Monte Carlo data. "lrn" will then, by default, look IN THE CURRENT DIRECTORY ONLY, for a file named "event.coda" (And that's it! If you called the file anything else or if you do not have it in the same directory as the "lrn" executable, lrn WILL NOT FIND IT!!!). When "lrn" is done, it will produce three files: "dst-0.root", "flr-0.root", and "lr-0.root". It is your responsibility to rename these files or else they will be copied over the next time you run "lrn" on a Monte Carlo file. You can use root to analyze these files as usual. *** NOTE: If you wish to use the reconstruction on Monte Carlo data, you MUST update "./BlastLib2" and "./Blast_Params" to branch "b3_1"!!!!!