CC: _ used DGEN/epel - 4 states - some segfaults in mc recon _ 15 MeV resolution (before t2d(angle) bug fix) _ Then switches track angle correction ON _ Montecarlo res improves to 6 MeV _ But angle correction makes real data much worse !! _ bugs ?? _ This is for 200 um) but only 50 % from ELOSS, MULS _ TLee: is this result phi dependent ? _ Shows MC/inbend data comparison _ Show asymmetry from MC compared to point calculation _ mc averaging almost irrelevant !! _ Likely has to do with fact that for ep acceptance determined only by e- and for each e- we always get proton _ Next Ge/Gm fro MC _ slope with Q2 seems different that expect _ Here there is an effect of acceptance !! _ Maybe in collapsing to a point Ge/Gm = f(Asym, tau) _ or bin by bin theta* correction _ effect 2-3 % around point calculation of Ge/Gm _ Shows methods to get Ge/Gm _ SuperR method: get polarization at each point and then build ratios _ Global fit: one parameter for L,R polarization, determine ratio directly from raw asymmetry can also add one parameter for spin angle in lab _ Turns out spin angle 35+-10 _ Uses 45 deg fixed instead _ Show outbend Dec data _ FF ratio data have 5-10% error bars, close to theory _ question: should global fit be constrained by ratio at Q2=0 ? _ needs to combine BLAST polarized data with pseudo-data _ no bckg subtraction _ shows also inbend data 2004 _ some problems, particulary for Q2 > 0.4 _ (but 2004 data have poorer reconstruction, S/N) may have event selection problems _ average hPz now 0.21 was 0.28 in december _ combines data sets inbend/outbend _ comparison to point calculation _ no consideration of z-dependent polarization _ this correlates to Q2 _ Looks at false asymmetries : 4 states, 2 choices _ typically 0.001 - 0.002 compared to 0.10-0.15 physics asymmetry ################################### MC-resolution studies as function of instrinsic wire resolution T2D | 10 um | 200 um | 500 um | 2000 um linear 1.8 3.0 6.7 94 MeV linear+physics 3.5 4.7 MeV 6th order 6.6 MeV 6th ord+physics - - 12.8 MeV 6th order of course depends also on fit to invert t2d after latest bug fixes Compares to X2 in data inbending _ X2 for protons consistent with 6th-order+physics & 500 um _ X2 for electrons worse _ not due to momentum but angle and crossing cells ################################### Advertises new wch ntuple new stub ordering to account for multi cell crossings allows us to study resolution vs stub type Advertises upgraded nsed ! couples to graphical cuts on data ntuples right-click and select "view events" right click on wires in nsed gives wire key