RECON STUDIES: Eugene Geis, Taylan Akdogan, Aaron Maschinot ######################### EG: recon studies _ Inbending H-data from 2003 (run # aroun 2000) _ shows Proton Mom vs Proton theta electron Mom vs electron theta _ proton better resolved _ Compares to inbending data of this (new libblast, calibration) _ e- momentum at least as good or better _ proton momentum much worse _ can not blame 2004 offsets since electron ok _ Something broke ? Maybe proton beta correction ? _ Needs corrected electronics map. Wrong emap was severely affecting acceptance (CC-TOFbottom confusion) _ however e-map does not explain bad res runs of this year.. _ Looks at wire 12, 23, 13 xdrift in a cell after ep cut _ x_1(23):x_2(31) correlates well for protons, where track angle ~0 _ there are gaps for electrons where track angle is not corrected for _ can clearly identify the region where the wire-drift stub/sign assignement is wrong. _ For dx, xdrift intrinsic resolution estimated to be to ~ 0.8/sqrt(6) mm ~ 0.3 _ improves for perpendicular tracks (protons) to ~0.2 mm _ may explain why proton resolution generally better _ note: this selecting only linear region. Many e- cross non linear region (especially 3rd chamber) #################################### TA: wire chamber calibrations _ Multi super layer line construction _ use hit info from both SL to get segment at once _ large # of combinatorial (average ~ 512) makes choice of segment very cpu intensive. _ Can be reduced by excluding unphysical stubs _ now compare distance of each wire-hit to segment line _ First & Second iteration _ determine t0,x0 relative to segments _ dynamically re-adjust segment _ shows plot of wire distance to segment line (Dx) _ across whole cell Dx has sigma ~ 440 um _ in next iteration correct t2d according to profile of Dx (at each x) _ now all Dx cluster well but differently for L,R of wire _ this because field lines are different L,R _ simply means empirical t2d will be different for L,R _ Iteration-4 _ now Dx width reduced to 240 um _ which gives a new t2d (numerically corrected) _ note this should work also for cross cell tracks ! _ NOTE that before any iteration, the intrinsic wire estimate obtained via dx above - for the linear region only - is 200-300 (note for EG dx=x0+x2-2x1, while for TA Dx is just segment-x_i). _ Maybe this means that with above method we can significantly improve (x0.5) on position per wire _ Montecarlo study show delta_p recon roughly linear with pos uncertainty (albeit with linear fitter, see chris) ##############################33 AM: wch alignement sensitivity study _ moved subdetector in x,y,z _ offset not significant up to large shifts _ significant changes in reconstruction accuracy only seen for 10 cm shifts ! _ likely not a significant source of uncertainty at this time _ some thoughs about relative chamber-to-chamber misalignemnets