Re: problem compiling BlastLib

From: Simon Sirca (
Date: Thu Sep 27 2001 - 18:05:07 EDT

Hi, Jason,

I think the reason for this is most likely the implementation of the
C++ compiler. Your math functions need a double argument, which is
explicitly declared as "double" in one part of the code, and as a
"typedef double double", so to speak, in another part of the code.
I remember from our discussions yesterday that egcs and gcc treat
these types as different (which they actually are) although they
appear at first look to be the same.

I can not login into blast05 for some reason to see for myself,
but I suggest you try using egcs++ instead of c++.


  Simon Sirca
  MIT-LNS, Room 26-402                 Tel: +1 617 258-5438
  77 Massachusetts Avenue              Fax: +1 617 452-5950
  Cambridge, MA 02139-4307, USA        URL:

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